
Sunday May 12, 2024
Finish Strong | Run the Race
Sunday May 12, 2024
Sunday May 12, 2024
The goal of discipleship is a lifelong commitment to following Jesus. Far too many people start off well but fail to finish strong in their faith. We need a plan to overcome each of the main obstacles that prevent people from finishing strong.
Title: Finish Strong
Series: Run the Race
Text: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Speaker: Josh Branham
Discussion/Reflection Questions:
How strong are you running in your faith right now (collapsed, walking, running, etc.)?
Which of the 5 obstacles do you relate to the most (suffering, opponents, disbelief, sin, fatigue)? Why?
What is a step you can take to keep growing in your faith?
How connected are you to healthy Christian community?
How could you get more connected?
What questions/doubts do you wrestle with?
How can you explore these things in a way that strengthens your faith?
What would help you choose the eternal over the temporary?
Website — https://www.hillcityboise.org
Josh Branham — https://www.joshuabranham.com
Worship Playlist — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKG48aqsAsh7AQmRz4jyaG_H_y3MRqko
Baptism 101: https://www.hillcityboise.org/baptism
Give Online — https://hillcityboise.churchcenter.com/giving
Orange Kids — https://theparentcue.org/faith/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/hillcityboise
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/hillcityboise

Sunday May 05, 2024
Endurance | Run the Race
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
Every marathon comes with its fair share of chaffing, cramping and broken toenails. Pain is unavoidable, but God has the ability to transform us during our trials. How can we grow through our pain and find the joy that’s waiting for us at the finish line? Endurance is just one step away.
Title: Endurance
Series: Run the Race
Text: Romans 5:3-5
Speaker: Andrew Branham
Discussion/Reflection Questions:
What is the most physical pain you have ever been in?
How are you experiencing pain in your life right now? Can you identify ways that God is growing your character and giving you hope?
Read Hebrews 12:1-3, How can we see endurance in the life of Christ?
What’s a far-fetched, soul stretching goal you have for your faith? What’s the first step you can take in that direction? What’s your 1% goal for growth this week?
What is the joy that could be waiting for you on the other side of your pain/problem?
Pray: ask God to give you patience, increase endurance and reveal His purpose in your pain.
Website — https://www.hillcityboise.org
Josh Branham — https://www.joshuabranham.com
Connect Card — https://hillcityboise.churchcenter.com/people/forms/73706
Worship Playlist — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKG48aqsAsh7AQmRz4jyaG_H_y3MRqko
Baptism 101: https://www.hillcityboise.org/baptism
Give Online — https://hillcityboise.churchcenter.com/giving
Orange Kids — https://theparentcue.org/faith/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/hillcityboise
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/hillcityboise

Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Recovery | Run The Race
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Following Jesus shouldn’t be exhausting. Living in God’s kingdom should be sustainable and life-giving. Training, if done properly, involves lots of rest and recovery. We must learn how to run smarter, not harder, so that we can run the race for the long haul.
Title: Recovery
Series: Run the Race
Text: Hebrews 4:9-11
Speaker: Josh Branham
Discussion/Reflection Questions:
How rested are you on a scale of 1 (exhausted) — 10 (refreshed)? Why?
How are you experiencing (or not experiencing) the easy yoke and light burden of Christ?
What does practicing the Sabbath look like in your life?
Is there anything you want to adjust about how you remember the Sabbath?
Where would you place yourself on the human function curve? (complacent, sacred, fatal)
Who are the people in your life you need to make time for?
What spiritual practices do you need to make time for?
Where do you need to eliminate hurry in your life?
Website — https://www.hillcityboise.org
Josh Branham — https://www.joshuabranham.com
Connect Card — https://hillcityboise.churchcenter.com/people/forms/73706
Worship Playlist — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcKG48aqsAsh7AQmRz4jyaG_H_y3MRqko
Baptism 101: https://www.hillcityboise.org/baptism
Give Online — https://hillcityboise.churchcenter.com/giving
Orange Kids — https://theparentcue.org/faith/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/hillcityboise
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/hillcityboise
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